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Paranormal Hunger!

In my teen years my best friend and I became obsessed with the whole Dungeons & Dragons craze. We loved it so much that we created games of our own including complete worlds and stories to go along with our characters. The allure of magic and powers were just so enticing. What kid wouldn't want to be sucked into something so fantastical? After all it isn't real...right? I mean there's no such thing as magic or demonic creatures in real life...right? We'll get back to those questions in a moment.

There's a growing hunger for spiritual things throughout the world. From the wizard craze of Harry Potter to the romance of The Twilight Saga people people can't get enough and many more are becoming obsessed with the occult. Why? Why are people flocking to these sorts of stories?

Before we try and answer the why let's go back to the original question of magic and demonic creatures, are they real? The answer is simple, YES! They're very real but not like the movies! People can believe all sorts of things but that doesn't change truth so I like to go back to the source of truth from which I've never been steered wrong and it's called The Bible.

What does The Bible say about such topics. Many folks like to dismiss The Bible as filled with contradictions so we shouldn't believe what it says. Those people are usually the one's who have never truly studied the scriptures and often just go by what others tell them. The older I get and the more I study and understand what The Bible truly says about the world we live in, my eyes get opened wider to the truth around me. Yes there are spiritual creatures, both angelic and demonic. There are spiritual strongholds that we encounter on a daily basis but we dismiss them because we can't physically see them.

We were created to be physical and spiritual creatures from the foundations of creation. Who we are hungers for the paranormal because that is what we were created to be. It's a part of who we are as human beings. Now the trick is what are you associating with from the spiritual part of your life? Just like in Twilight there are only two teams you can choose from. Either your on Satan's team or you're on God's team. There is no in between. Unwittingly, people are flocking toward the dark, blind and clueless of the danger they are truly playing with. And I understand the appeal of the occult, demons, witchcraft...there's a sense of power and strength. The problem is that the feelings are fleeting and ultimately deadly. Not just physical death but spiritual death that is far worse.

I have my share of run-ins with the demonic, the spiritual forces that surround us on a daily basis. If you know what to look for you'll see the spiritual manifested in the physical. Ever feel like someone in the store just isn't quite right? You can't say why exactly but you just know to stay away from them. Hint, there's something demonic going on in that persons life whether they realize it or not. The Bible says we were created in His image so it's no wonder why people deep into the occult are mutilating their own bodies. It's a sign of rebellion against God. Don't kid yourself, there is spiritual warfare going on all around us. We just need to be open to seeing it for what it is.

And one last thought...there is no such thing as white magic and black magic. It's magic and it's demonic by nature. The only true power (notice I didn't say magic) is through Jesus Christ. The difference between magic and the power of God is that magic is something that man thinks he has control over to try and affect the world around them according to their desire or will but in reality the control is a demonic deception. The power of God is something that a Christian surrenders to, allowing God's will to be done in the world around them. The difference is that God's will is done not ours. Magic is a corruption that ultimately will bring nothing but death. God brings life and abundantly.

There is so much more I could share with you on this subject but I'll save it for later posts. I'm sure what's I've posted will have a lot of doubters and haters but truth often has that affect on people.

Daniel L Carter
Author of The G-6 Chronicles

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