Disclaimer: By posting this interview I am in no way endorsing any of the authors work but rather simply giving a forum so that we as readers can get to know them and the authors can promote their stories.
DLC: It's my privilege to introduce everyone to Author Judy Serrano. Welcome Judy. Please introduce yourself to my readers.
Judy: I definitely identify with Lilly. She is the girl no one wants to admit they truly are at one time or another in their lives. She loses control or her situation at some point and is at the mercy of the powers that be. I would say that there is at least one point in everyone’s lives when they feel control has been lifted from their capabilities. That is Lilly.
DLC: That's very true Judy. We all can identify with that on some level. What advice would you give to other authors or aspiring authors?
Judy: To find out more about my novels and me you can go to http://www.JudySerrano.com. You can follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/AuthorJSerrano and my fan page at FB http://www.facebook.com/pages/Easters-Lilly-by-Judy-Serrano/106636956074771?ref=ts
DLC: It has been a pleasure doing this interview with you Judy and I wish you great success!
Judy: Thank you Daniel for this wonderful opportunities. Many blessing to you and your readers.
DLC: It's my privilege to introduce everyone to Author Judy Serrano. Welcome Judy. Please introduce yourself to my readers.
Judy: I am Judy Serrano, author of Easter’s Lilly. I am originally from New York but currently reside in Texas with my husband, four children (all boys) and five dogs.
DLC: A fellow New Yorker... I knew I was going to like you. =) I was reading up on your books and they sound very powerful. Tell us about them.
Judy:Easter’s Lilly is the first book of the series. It is about an innocent girl who falls in love with a low-ranked gangster who eventually abandons her and leaves her at the mercy of the very handsome, Diego Montiago. Diego is the head of the Mexican Mafia and marries Lilly as a sort of a business deal. He ignores her for the beginnings of the marriage, which only encourages an inappropriate, flirtatious relationship with his brother Max.
The book goes on to pit brother against brother as they turn each other inside out over the love of a woman. Lilly tells the story of her life and the lives of her children in this thriller/romance, describing her journey in an over-privileged life-style fueled by what the mafia has to offer. She eventually discovers the true desires of her heart as the book ends on a very clear cliffhanger. What happens next? You’ll have to find out in Brother Number 3, book two of the series, released June 16th.
DLC: Sounds intense! There seems to be a lot of pain involved in the lives of your characters. Do you have a character that you most identify with?
The book goes on to pit brother against brother as they turn each other inside out over the love of a woman. Lilly tells the story of her life and the lives of her children in this thriller/romance, describing her journey in an over-privileged life-style fueled by what the mafia has to offer. She eventually discovers the true desires of her heart as the book ends on a very clear cliffhanger. What happens next? You’ll have to find out in Brother Number 3, book two of the series, released June 16th.
DLC: Sounds intense! There seems to be a lot of pain involved in the lives of your characters. Do you have a character that you most identify with?
Judy: I definitely identify with Lilly. She is the girl no one wants to admit they truly are at one time or another in their lives. She loses control or her situation at some point and is at the mercy of the powers that be. I would say that there is at least one point in everyone’s lives when they feel control has been lifted from their capabilities. That is Lilly.
DLC: That's very true Judy. We all can identify with that on some level. What advice would you give to other authors or aspiring authors?
Judy: I would tell them to write about what is in their hearts and not to succumb to peer pressure. Do not write the way you think the market dictates but instead write the way your heart leads you to write.
DLC: So very true! There was a point when I first started writing novels that the feedback I got from publishers and agents was overwhelming. I felt so confused and thought I had to write a certain way. Thankfully I got past that. What source or sources do you draw from when creating a new story?
DLC: So very true! There was a point when I first started writing novels that the feedback I got from publishers and agents was overwhelming. I felt so confused and thought I had to write a certain way. Thankfully I got past that. What source or sources do you draw from when creating a new story?
Judy: I write about what I know or at least that’s the way it starts. I write about where I have been, what I know or have seen and my imagination takes the wheel from there.
DLC: When the imagination kicks in is when it gets really fun. =) When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
DLC: When the imagination kicks in is when it gets really fun. =) When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Judy: I always knew I wanted to be a writer. I didn’t actually pursue it as a career until I went back to college as an adult. I had an English professor who told me I was not giving my all. Of course I was angry at first that she was challenging me but after a while I realized she was right. I decided at that point that my books needed to jump off the jump drive and into someone’s mail box. I was never happier than when I got the acceptance letter from my publisher.
DLC: That's great that you had someone to speak into your life like that. Nothing better than getting that one acceptance amongst all the rejections. Are you working on a book now? Any new releases in your future?
Judy: Brother Number 3 will be released June 16th. It is a continuation of Easter’s Lilly, which is book 1. Relatively close, book three of the series is completed and scheduled for take off, January 2012. I am currently working on a young adult spin off the series featuring one of Lilly’s children and I am concurrently working on book number four of the same series. Both books feature the same child, except in one he is a young adult and one he is a man.
DLC: I'm impressed! Now that's a lot going on. =) Your series sounds great, where can people go to find out more about you and your stories?
DLC: That's great that you had someone to speak into your life like that. Nothing better than getting that one acceptance amongst all the rejections. Are you working on a book now? Any new releases in your future?
Judy: Brother Number 3 will be released June 16th. It is a continuation of Easter’s Lilly, which is book 1. Relatively close, book three of the series is completed and scheduled for take off, January 2012. I am currently working on a young adult spin off the series featuring one of Lilly’s children and I am concurrently working on book number four of the same series. Both books feature the same child, except in one he is a young adult and one he is a man.
DLC: I'm impressed! Now that's a lot going on. =) Your series sounds great, where can people go to find out more about you and your stories?
Judy: To find out more about my novels and me you can go to http://www.JudySerrano.com. You can follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/AuthorJSerrano and my fan page at FB http://www.facebook.com/pages/Easters-Lilly-by-Judy-Serrano/106636956074771?ref=ts
DLC: It has been a pleasure doing this interview with you Judy and I wish you great success!
Judy: Thank you Daniel for this wonderful opportunities. Many blessing to you and your readers.
Daniel L Carter
Author of The Unwanted Trilogy