DLC: I'd like to welcome back P.I. Barrington to A Christian Man's Perspective. P.I. is the author of the futuristic crime thriller series Future Imperfect and blogger of the site with the same name. It's been a while since your last visit and in that time it looks like you've started up a blog site. Tell us a little bit about what your blog features.
PIB: Unlike my other blog efforts Future Imperfect is about the craft of writing. I've covered random generators, world building, world building worksheets, and killing off characters so far. Future Imperfect is also skewed toward sci-fi/fantasy writers, mainly because that's what I'm currently writing. But posts like the world building worksheets include character worksheets and techniques to translate from the list of questions to putting the answers in prose form--which was a problem for me personally until I found another author's technique--and the worksheets will work for other genre' too. I like to write posts that I think will help other writers, give them links, talk about how to write and I post a lot of tips of my own as well as other authors'. The response has been great--more than I expected!
DLC: Sounds right up my alley! =) As an author I'm sure you're busy writing your novels so what led you to start a blog?
PIB: As I said, I've had other blogs but they were all over the place subject wise--from my own opinions of pop culture, entertainment, to world news. Just scattered all over with no real point. I did have loyal readers but I was never really happy with it so I also didn't post regularly. Future Imperfect is definitely directed toward writing with maybe a small video of music thrown in now and then. I wanted to create something that was useful, and that people would find helpful and maybe share my blog with someone else--and I wanted to post my experiences with the craft as well in the hope that someone who might be experiencing or may in the future experience the same thing would have a little commiseration, lol! I think by the time I decided to create Future Imperfect, since I'd been published several times, I understood what a blog is really for and how to actually run one.
DLC: A blog is a lot of work and having a specific focus or areas of interest help make the process of posting much easier. You've mentioned you've had other blogs before. How long have you been blogging?
PIB: Wow, about five years--but I really didn't know what I was doing until I got published and started checking out other authors' blogs and seeing what worked and was was needed to make it successful--which is offering something tangible to blog followers/readers/authors. It was on and off really and at one point I had, good Lord, about six of them that I'd created and then abandoned! I even participated in a group blog but it was difficult to maintain at that time so I had to drop out. Future Imperfect is easier because I don't feel a need to constantly come up with something every week--although I should say that the group blog was not strict about it either--this is just easier for me.
DLC: I can barely keep up with the one blog I have so I couldn't imagine doing six at a time. lol What do you feature on your blog?
PIB: I just started Future Imperfect so at this time I have basically just my posts on craft. Hopefully I'll be able to add more in the near future!
DLC: I personally enjoy doing my blog. I try and take time on the posts that I do and because of the blog I've met some really great people. What is the most rewarding aspect of blogging for you?
PIB: You know what? When readers/followers tell me I gave them something they can use and when they start discussions with each other and me--I'm gratified that I helped them and that I've talked about something important enough for them to have opinions about it!
DLC: That is a great feeling. =) I've heard so many different opinions on the subject of how often someone should post blogs each week but to be honest I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to this question. So how often do you blog?
PIB: I try to write short 500-800 word posts and try to get in at least two per week so that people can get into a rhythm of following Future Imperfect; I think consistency is the main thing with blogging--all of the most successful and helpful blogs I've seen are those that are maintained regularly because the followers know what to expect when they check out the link/blog. There are blogs that I favor for exactly that reason. They may not even relate to genre' I write but I know they will have something that will help me.
DLC: I know you mentioned you had six blogs at one time, do you have more than one site now?
PIB: Well, yes but I don't really advertise it--I mainly keep it for rants and vents, LOL! It has nothing to do with writing. But, oh, yes, I do have an official website that I maintain with my sister and co-author Loni Emmert: http://thewordmistresses.com
DLC: Cool! =) I like a good rant or vent every now and then. LOL I've gotten to know many bloggers over the last few years and many of them come from professional backgrounds. Do you have any professional experience such as journalism or are a published author?
PIB: As a matter of fact, I am both! I was a newspaper journalist and am multi-published in several genres. I also have a background in the entertainment industry in radio and music so I have a good idea of what's commercial and what isn't. I know that influences how and what I write.
DLC: That's great! Maybe you could give me a few pointers. =) Many blogs I notice run promotions. Are you currently running any?
PIB: Not at this time. I am working on several WIPs right now and trying to prepare to self publish a novel so I can't really concentrate on anything else; besides, my tech knowledge is hit and miss--even though I write sci-fi, LOL! Hopefully by the end of this year I'll be able to expand Future Imperfect!
PIB: Thanks so much for hosting me Daniel!
DLC: For any readers who'd like to read more on P.I. Barrington's blog or books please visit...
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